We've enjoyed layin' around watchin' t.v. in our newly decorated house. We just finished watching Season 1 of Dexter. IT WAS AWESOME! Anyone else watch it?
Thursday, July 16, 2009
No house for us :-( The deal fell through cause I don't have a teaching job for next year. Stupid Hedgesville. :-( Sigh....
Monday, July 13, 2009
Want a mansion in Florida for $10? Check out this website! I sound like an infomercial lol! These people can't sell their $3 million dollar home so they're actioning off tickets for $10. Sounds great except the taxes would be about a million dollars!!!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Remember the Ponderosa? LOL I'm blogging from my iPod! Show fixed it. He's amazing!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Happy Anniversary to us! Skipp called today and the house appraised at $135k giving us $11,000 in equity! Sweet! Looks like closing will be July 28 @ 3:00. I'll beleive it when the keys are in my hand though the way things have been going lol!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
We had so much fun in Delaware! Thanks Mom, Kristi and Frank!!!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
July marks our 2-year anniversary renting this house from Dad and July 6 will be Show's and my 1-year anniversary! Hopefully July will also bring some change with a new house for us and a new job for me!
We'll be celebrating 4th of July at Mom's place in Delaware this weekend. All of Show's family will be there so it should be fun. Hope all of you have fun too!
P.S. Shepherdstown Elementary posted their art teacher position! I applied but haven't heard back yet. Say a little prayer for me!