I subbed yesterday, the 2nd day of school! It was great! I told myself if I make any money this month I get to buy the purse and jean jacket I've been wanting from JCPenney. So I did and I love them! They're perfect for fall. I love fall!
It was hard to pick a color cause I really liked the "mushroom", but I ended up getting the "spice." Sky bought some new clothes from Kohls too. She wore my favorite outfit today! She's so cute!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
It's Sky's first day of middle school!!! Good luck!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Happy Sunday! Alice's wedding was beautiful!
School starts next week. We're nervous and excited! Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Our tv blew up today, smoke and everything! Crazy! Anyway, here's our end-of-the-month line up: Thursday, 20th - New Project Runway at 10pm
Friday, 21st - Alice and Paul's wedding
Monday, 24th - Sky's orientation
Wednesday, 26th - Sky starts middle school!!!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Skys home safe and sound. The verdict on the pouch was "Its a little big" Sigh, my hunt continues.
My sister-in-law Alice is getting married next Friday the 21st so Show and I are throwing her a mini bridal shower today. We're getting her nails done, eating at her favorite restaurant, Wat-a-wing, and we made her this basket full of pampering stuff.
I've also been trying to find Sky a cute pouch to put her cell phone in that will clip to her waist. A simple metal clip has been really hard to come by. So far I found this pouch at Walmart and I tore the clip off of a $5 cell case from 5Below. I sewed it on and it doesn't look too bad. Sky comes home this evening and we'll see if passes the 11-year old coolness test.
Btw, these photos were taken with my new phone! I must say, I'm impressed! They're very clear and the phone seems to eliminate hand shake pretty well! Yippee!!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Our new phones arrived today! Show got the BlackJack II Sky got the LG Neon and I got the Sony Ericsson c905 with an 8.1 MP camera!!!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
OUR PHONES DON'T WORK! We started a new plan with At&t but we haven't received our phones yet. Luckily we'll have the same numbers! I'll let ya know when they come in. Until then we'll have to practice our telepathy powers! Dad- I'm sending you one right now ;-D
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Well, Skyler is off to Myrtle Beach with her aunt and cousin for 6 days. Beijing is healing just fine from being spayed Thursday. And Show and I just enjoyed another season of Dexter. I thought this season was a lot better than season 2! September will bring back a bunch of our favorites like the Office, Survivor, and Heroes! What can I say, we're tv series addicts. :) Anyhoodle (Jenn hehe!) I'm off to check out the new TJMaxx! I'm so psyched! Have a great day!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
I can't believe its August! Season 2 of Dexter was great! It's so addicting! Hope everyone had a good weekend!