Monday, August 4, 2008

My Super-husband made an incredible dinner again last night ~ salmon cakes with zuchini and squash! He's been learning to cook new things and last night topped the charts with me! It was my favorite! Skyler loves his london broil which he's gotten down pat! He's so amazing!

If you've been reading my comments, er the 'Adventures of my Dad fishing' you'd know why the fish in the river at Shepherdstown are so holy! HaHa! Thanks Dad! I love hearing about your adventures!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not I didn't fish today however I did go to the canal to get my walk/jog/run in. The paw paws are growing as usual and I'm thinking of grabbing a couple of plants to add to my perimeter forest. The weather was really great today. I cleaned the pool then went for a refreshing swim before I pranced off to work. At work Ellen is feeding me home made pizza. It can't get any better than this.