Wednesday, May 20, 2009

House hunting is like a roller coaster ride! I fall in love and then get heart broken. Needless to say we're still looking.


Kristie said...

It's a good experience for you! I know your creative mind must be working house by house filling up with wonderful decorating ideas. You are preparing yourself for the perfect house. You can't rush perfection - just enjoy the ride and the opportunities it brings! Good things come to those who wait. It's the waiting that you have to accept! The right house will come.


Abby said...

There were so many emotion I went through when we were looking for a house too. It being a roller coaster ride is the best way to describe it. It definitely is hard and frustrating at times, but hang in there. It will happen!

DAD said...

I always feel great when the roller coaster ride is over. You're gonna feel great too. Enjoy the ride. Don't forget that you're seeing options in houses you might want in your own house that you wouldn't know existed if you hadn't been searching.